Thursday, June 16, 2011

NDP conventioneering

Sad to say, but prison week is coming to a close, but you have something new to look forward to - NDP convention blogging!

In an uncharacteristic fit of civic engagement, I joined the NDP (for those of you thinking "Is that a credit union?" the New Democratic Party is the Canadian social-democratic party, to the left of the Trudeau/Chretien Liberals. The did REALLY well in the last election, and are now the official opposition) before the last election. Then, wondering what I had gotten myself in to, I decided to sign up for the party convention happening this weekend (being social democrats, they allow any member to show up as a delegate). If you are curious to see if they have any potential to govern, any succession plan for Jack Layton, or are just as crazy as the Conservatives would have you believe, stay tuned! And I'll let you know I can glean this weekend.

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