On a tangentially related note, the NDP may want to tighten up requirements for delegates. Right now, any jackass who signs up for the party and pays his registration fee can come in and vote on the party platform, and in the internal elections. Given that turn out at the convention was approximately 1,500, and that youth (under 25) and unwaged early-bird registration was down around $50, an opponent with deep pockets (cough... Harper) could theoretically stack the convention floor with a majority of their own supporters for $75,050 in registration fees + $30,020 in membership dues. That's a pretty penny, admittedly, but you'd get to vote for the treasurer responsible for spending it, and pick the leader of the party receiving it. Not that anyone in Canada would do anything so underhanded for political gain (like proroguing Parliament, say).
All total, something like 70 minutes was lost in procedural bickering, similar to yesterday, including challenges to the chair. It was no longer interesting to me, and I will not elaborate on it, except to say that the chairs (Steve Morin and Maura Parte, btw) had that shit under control this time, and the challenge didn't stand.
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